Primeros Auxilios Videos de capacitación

  • 4.5/5 Stars
4.5 (105,937 calificaciones)
Enseñado por Roy Shaw
Duración: 4 horas y 36 minutos
English y Español English y Español
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  • Video en cualquier momento
  • Acceso en el móvil
  • Soporta SCORM. Funciona con tu LMS
  • Cumple con las normativas actuales de AHA
  • 6.0 Creditos de CME/CE
  • Certificado por $39.95
  • Videos de RCP semanales
  • Recordatorio de vencimiento

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Primeros Auxilios At a Glance

  • Find out what's changed since the last major American Heart Association update.
  • Address the reasons people are afraid to get involved in an emergency.
  • Learn how to perform CPR in a workplace setting.
  • Identify signs and symptoms and learn how to treat medical emergencies.
  • Learn skills such as CPR, AED, choking skills, epinephrine administration, first aid, & more!
  • Practice along with your instructor and test your retention as the scenario plays out in real-time.