Pro First Aid Only is an online first aid certification that meets OSHA guidelines for the general workplace where CPR certification is not required. If you need ONLY first aid training without CPR, you are welcome to utilize this course and receive a new, two-year Pro First Aid Only certificate.
Total course time includes 3 hours and 23 minutes of video training as well as knowledge reviews, final test, remedial help and reviewing downloaded material.
“This online method of refreshing my First Aid Test is truly great! It makes a person think and the test is friendly. I rate it highly to my guide friends in Montana. I needed to call and speak to Amanda at ProTrainings. She was incredibly nice and easily fixed my login. Great People! Travis Barker Licensed Montana Outfitter Augusta, Montana”
“I was able to take this training on my own time and at my own speed. If I had forgotten something referred to in the videos I was able to refer back to the video and watch that section again.”