Note: Your progress in watching these videos WILL NOT be tracked. These training videos are the same videos you will experience when you take the full ProFirstAid program. You may begin the training for free at any time to start officially tracking your progress toward your certificate of completion.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to help a choking victim who is an unconscious child. Just as with our last fictional choking scenario, this victim went unconscious while you were trying to help them.
Much of this lesson will look exactly like the unconscious adult choking lesson that you just finished. However, keep in mind that we learn through repetition and you can always expect a nugget or two (or seven) that wasn't in the last lesson.
As always, the first thing you want to do is make sure the scene is safe and that your gloves are on, and that you have your rescue shield handy.
Pro Tip #1: While likely a refresher, it's important to remember your CPR compressions landmark – center of the chest on the lower third of the sternum. And don't forget, that to maximize cardiac output, position yourself directly over the victim's chest and not off to one side. If you're not directly over the heart, you may not adequately compress it.
Remember, once you perform a chest compression, make sure you allow for full recoil of the chest cavity. You want to allow the chest to come all the way back to the neutral position before performing another compression.
Remember, we're assuming your chest compressions were able to dislodge the obstruction and you got it out of the victim's mouth. At this point, either they're breathing normally and becoming more responsive, or they're not. If not, continue to perform 30 compression to two rescue breaths.
Continue to perform CPR until EMS arrives, an AED is located, someone equally trained relieves you, or the victim becomes responsive and begins breathing normally again.
What are the differences between child CPR and adult CPR?
There are three distinct differences to be aware of.
While the same head tilt maneuver is applied to children as it is for adults, make sure there is less hypertension in a child's neck compared to adults. To do that, simply tilt the head back only slightly past neutral. Your goal is a chin angle that's less pronounced and more perpendicular to the ground.
Remember, with infants, that tilt is even less pronounced, as in neutral or slightly sniffing. With infants, it's more about distancing the chin from the chest, due to a neck that's still in the stubby stage.
The compressions you perform on a child are very similar to those you would perform on an adult. The only difference is in the compression depth. While adult CPR has a depth of 2-2.4 inches, when administering CPR on a child, two inches will usually be the maximum depth. And in very small children, it's better to perform compressions using just one hand.
But since human beings tend to come in many different sizes, stick to your 1/3 the depth of the chest and you'll never be wrong.
As you recently learned, AEDs work the same regardless of age. However, the pads themselves, as well as pad placement, will vary based on the size of the victim.
If your cardiac arrest victim weighs more than 55 pounds, continue using the adult AED pads. If the victim weighs less than 55 pounds, use pediatric AED pads if available. And yes, you'll have to guess when it comes to their weight.
How well do compressions work for dislodging an obstruction?
Just because your choking victim went unconscious, there's no reason to panic, as chest compressions work surprisingly well for removing airway obstructions. Performing those compression perfectly will also help.
If the victim begins breathing again but it's not “normal breathing”, what are some signs I can look for?
Just as there are many reasons why a person would experience respiratory or airway issues, there are also numerous signs and symptoms that can alert you to a problem, including:
Adequate breathing means that respiratory rate – 12-20 for adults, 15-30 for children, 25-50 for infants – depth and effort are all normal.