CPR Training for Boat Captains - An Essential at Sea

The word captain is used a bit loosely these days as anyone can rent or own a boat for any period of time, and you may find yourself in such a situation. Maybe you've decided that you want to sail the seven seas, or maybe you've decided that you would like to take a cruise through the Florida Keys for whatever reason. No matter what your purpose happens to be, you need to make sure that you have the proper lifesaving skills. There are many different skills that you're going to need; it could start with making sure that everyone is wearing their life preservers, and it could be as simple as distributing sunscreen to all of your passengers. Preventative measures are always important and of course always appreciated, but there are going to be some cases where they simply are not enough, and you're going to need to go a step further. This is where CPR training comes in.

Prepare for the Worst with the Best CPR Training

You might be renting a small dinghy, or you might be embarking on a full scale yacht. No matter what you're doing, you need to make sure that all of your passengers have fun and make it back to the shore in one piece. In order to do this, proper CPR certification might come into play, and the most common question that sailors both new and old tend to ask when it is appropriate or useful to administer CPR. Take the following into account:

  • Patient is Unresponsive
  • Patient's Pulse is Weak
  • Patient does Not Appear to be Breathing

These are three common signs that you need to utilize your CPR training, but the most important thing is actually getting the right training - a feat that you can easily accomplish online.

Your CPR Training Online

You might be going for first time CPR certification, or maybe you're looking for CPR re-certification online. Either way, there are great online classes that will get you precisely what you need in no time at all. There are obviously some who question the validity of the online method for a few different reasons, for example, there is some concern over whether or not the online version of this course is as effective as physical classroom interaction, but it is no secret that it is picking up momentum and is quickly becoming the preferred method for those who want to take CPR training. If you're interested in learning this lifesaving technique, then now would certainly be a great time to start looking into the option and becoming certified in what is arguably the most popular and effective lifesaving technique in the world. On the high seas, you might just need it. 

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If your job requires you to be certified in CPR, or you just want to learn CPR to be ready in an emergency, then you're in the right place. We've certified hundreds of thousands of professionals in our online and blended CPR courses, and you can join them.

Find out how you can get your accredited CPR certification without spending your day in a classroom.

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